Falwell is gone. But much more is needed to move Liberty University forward.
We are an alumni organization advocating reform at Liberty. For years, Liberty’s Board of Trustees and Executive Leadership participated in former President Falwell’s hypocrisy and corruption. Dramatic changes are necessary.
Department of Education Campus Crime Final Program Review Determination:
(Circa 3/24)
Full text of the lawsuit from Liberty University against Jerry Falwell Jr:
(Circa 10/22)
Liberty’s Board of Trustees allowed Falwell to harm Liberty for years.
The timeline below provides an overview of just the last five years at Liberty.
(Note: For all links within the timeline, on desktop, click ‘Open Link In New Tab’ to view)
Everything you see in this timeline was ignored at best and supported at worst by Liberty’s Board of Trustees.
What is your story?
What changes do you want to see at Liberty University? We want your voice to be a part of this movement, so please contact us!
“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?”
— Micah 6:8
I Support Save71
Join your fellow Liberty students and alumni as we try to turn the page from the years of un-Christlike leadership at our university. Make your voice heard.
Leadership of Save71
Dustin Wahl
Co-Founder, Class of 2018
Kendall Covington
Student Rep., Class of 2022
Calum Best
Co-Founder, Class of 2020
Justin Winter
Ops Director, Class of 2010